Does Running Facebook Ads As An Admin Gives Certain Advantage?

Facebook ads as admin

The question is simple, we have been hearing people asking running ads on facebook gives certain advantages, and we tried to find out how true is that. So we did an experiment, we run same ads as admin and as non-admin and tried to find out the differences. What we found out was shocking, just read the post and you will find out.

1) First we set ad as non admin.

We are giving a screenshot below, remember, this screenshot is very important, will explain later.


And here is how we set the ad

Without being admin

  • Country: United States
  • Age: 13 to no max
  • Gender: all
  • Precise interests: Movies, Entertainment, Bengali Language
  • Broad Category: Movie/Film (all)
  • Connection: Anyone
  • Friends of connection: None
  • Account Currency: USD
  • Account Country: United States
  • Account Time Zone: America/Los Angles
  • New Campaign Name: Test
  • New Campaign Budget: 10 USD/Day
  • Campaign Schedule: Run my campaign continuously starting today
  • Optimization: Optimize for clicks, Manually Bid for clicks
  • Suggested Bid by Facebook: $0.53–$1.74 USD


2) And then we ran the same ad from the admin account, and see what we have found


This customization of ad did not appear while setting the ad from non admin account.


Also this remove option did not come earlier if you can remember (follow the 1st screenshot we have given)

Now let’s see what happened to the suggested bid

  • Country: United States
  • Age: 13 to no max
  • Gender: all
  • Precise interests: Movies, Entertainment, Bengali Language
  • Broad Category: Movie/Film (all)
  • Connection: Anyone
  • Friends of connection: None
  • Account Currency: USD
  • Account Country: United States
  • Account Time Zone: America/Los Angles
  • New Campaign Name: Test
  • New Campaign Budget: 10 USD/Day
  • Campaign Schedule: Run my campaign continuously starting today
  • Optimization: Optimize for clicks, Manually Bid for clicks
  • Suggested Bid by Facebook: $0.54–$1.83 USD

To our surprise we have seen the suggested bid was even increased. For the same ad the suggested bid was $0.53–$1.74 USD.

So we came to the conclusion that yes, running ad as admin gives you certain advantages but at the cost of increased bid. So now it’s up to you. If you want to set your own ad then you will have to pay some extra, else you can run ad from a non admin account.

Thanks for reading.


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