How to fix ‘Unable to Update or Download Apps in iOS8’ Problem

iOS8 has many bugs and glitches. Some of them have been addressed by Apple with two quick fix updates of iOS 8.01 and 8.02. However, there are many bugs which are yet to be fixed. One of the most annoying of them is – “Unable to download new apps or update existing app“. Why is it so annoying? Because your existing apps do not work smoothly … Continue reading How to fix ‘Unable to Update or Download Apps in iOS8’ Problem

How To Automatically Add Adsense Ads In the Middle Of Blog Post

One of the widely accepted and effective strategy of increasing your revenue from adsense display ad is to experiment with ads placement in different positions of page. One such location is middle of the post, which may increase the chances of noticing your ads and user engagement. There are two methods of adding display ads in middle of any post in WordPress site. 1.Adding Adsense … Continue reading How To Automatically Add Adsense Ads In the Middle Of Blog Post

How To Automatically Publish WordPress Blog Post To Facebook Page and Other Social Sites?

If you want to publish your WordPress blog posts automatically to Facebook page or other social media sites like Twitter, Google+ and others then there are two plugins which I would like to recommend, they are very easy to setup and works smoothly. 1) Jetpack by Jetpack is a bundle of various useful plugin developed by team of WordPress, it has over 12 million users and … Continue reading How To Automatically Publish WordPress Blog Post To Facebook Page and Other Social Sites?

How to Remove Purchased App History in iPhone or iPad

Top reasons to remove Purchased Apps history from your iPhone or iPad? You don’t want anyone to know which apps you are using or you have used in past. In some point of time you may have downloaded some exotic adult apps just for fun, but now you no longer use them but still you can see them in purchased history of your phone, which … Continue reading How to Remove Purchased App History in iPhone or iPad

Quickly Find Nearest Hospital And Blood Bank With These Apps

Health Emergency can strike anyone at anytime, there is little can be done to avoid such contingency, in severe cases delay by 5 minutes of getting patient to hospital can turn fatal, if patient gets medical attention and required blood on time then many lives can be saved around the globe. One study suggests, increased journey distance to hospital appears to be associated with increased … Continue reading Quickly Find Nearest Hospital And Blood Bank With These Apps

How To Quickly Unlike Facebook Pages and Unfriend Facebook Friends

I have 2500+ friends and more than 1000 Pages that I liked since I joined Facebook around 5 years ago, most of them I never met and Pages I no longer remember. I have no issues with it, only thing is that many times I miss important updates of my close friends in this crowd of not so important Pages and FB friends who don’t … Continue reading How To Quickly Unlike Facebook Pages and Unfriend Facebook Friends

How To Add Facebook Pop-Up Like Box In Your Website And Blog

I know its pretty annoying to see anything popping out of website but still Facebook pop-up like box is good way to increase your Facebook page likes. There are two different ways to add it in your website, one is to hardcode way which takes little effort and other one is easier which you can do by installing simple widget. HardCode Way – You can … Continue reading How To Add Facebook Pop-Up Like Box In Your Website And Blog

How To Download Your Orkut Contents (Only 30 Days Left)

If you are from India or Brazil then you must have heard or used or even once addicted to it before you ditched it for Facebook. During my college days, I used it extensively to stay in touch with my family and friends and share photos with them, then Facebook happened and we almost forgot it, at least I never even thought about it from … Continue reading How To Download Your Orkut Contents (Only 30 Days Left)

How to Recover Permanently Deleted Files and Folders in Your Computer?

Hey, Don’t worry! you can easily restore your permanently deleted files. Many times you accidentally delete an important file, even empty your recycle bin  or permanently delete your file by shift+delete keys then how to recover those files? sometimes you may lose all your important files when your computer crashes and you do not keep any back ups in external drive or cloud, then what … Continue reading How to Recover Permanently Deleted Files and Folders in Your Computer?

How To Create Time Lapse Video With iPhone

I enjoy watching Time-lapse videos (like this one), I consider them work of art, it needs lots of patience and handwork to create them, You may need right technical skills and gears to produce such beautiful breathtaking videos which unfortunately most of us do not have. But don’t worry cause recently Instagram has released a new iPhone app called Hyperlapse with which you can create … Continue reading How To Create Time Lapse Video With iPhone

How to Make Your Android Phone Boot Faster By Removing Useless Startup Apps

Few days back, I wrote an article on “How to Make Your Windows Computer Boot Faster By Removing Useless Startup Apps” and when I shared it on facebook then one of my friend asked me a question “how to do the same with Android, How to disable startup apps in Android phone?” Probably he was very frustrated with slow performance and longer boot time,which is … Continue reading How to Make Your Android Phone Boot Faster By Removing Useless Startup Apps