How To ‘EASILY and QUICKLY’ Take Screenshots With Samsung Galaxy S4 Or Any Other Similar Android Phone

Hey there, this is a quick post on how to take screenshots with Samsung Galaxy S4 or any other similar kind of Android phone like S3 and S5. In post title, I have put ‘EASILY and QUICKLY’ in uppercase, and there is a good reason for that. I recently shifted from iPhone to Android phone and it took me a while to figure out “How … Continue reading How To ‘EASILY and QUICKLY’ Take Screenshots With Samsung Galaxy S4 Or Any Other Similar Android Phone

5 Minimal Smartphone Tricks To Have Laser Like Focus At Work

1. Airplane mode Imagine this scenario – You get an important work related call at 2 past midnight (that was a norm in my IT job). You somehow manage to accept the call after 5 rings. By the time you finish your conversation in half awake-half sleep mode, you have a blurry idea what the call was all about. And then you mess up. Next … Continue reading 5 Minimal Smartphone Tricks To Have Laser Like Focus At Work

How to Make Your Android Phone Boot Faster By Removing Useless Startup Apps

Few days back, I wrote an article on “How to Make Your Windows Computer Boot Faster By Removing Useless Startup Apps” and when I shared it on facebook then one of my friend asked me a question “how to do the same with Android, How to disable startup apps in Android phone?” Probably he was very frustrated with slow performance and longer boot time,which is … Continue reading How to Make Your Android Phone Boot Faster By Removing Useless Startup Apps

How to Change Language for Different Google Products

Till this time changing language in Google products is really difficult because different products has different ways of changing language and you actually can’t change language for all different products at one go, you will have to do it separately. So here is the process for different products A. Google search engine 1. Go to 2. select language just below the Google name Or … Continue reading How to Change Language for Different Google Products