How to Reduce Bounce Rate?

Oh, it’s a very good shiny morning, you are having your black tea and looking at your website traffic from your ads and you’re pretty happy. But have you ever checked the bounce rate for your ads? No? How about checking that to find out the impression of the visitor once they enter your website.

“OMG, its 86%”bounce

That means 86% of the people who click your ads and come to your website bounce back right from the landing page, now you better be concerned about that.

What to do in such a case?

You need to check few things, they are

1.      Which page has the highest bouncing rate

Firstly you need to find out which page has the highest bounce rate for which such a statistics is shown. Once you find out that particular page or 2 or 3 pages you need to check the following things

2.      Are your ads relevant with your landing page?

Whatever your ads are, are they in the same line with your landing page? Are you offering 50% discount but there is no trace of such things in the landing page? Are you talking about cheapest price in the market where as you are pretty costly? You need to very careful whether your ads and landing pages are in the same line.

3.      How good your page looks?

So the ads are in line with your landing pages, everything seems to be okay but then what’s the problem? Well I have seen most of times the first impression in the mind of the user comes from your landing page design. There are few websites which looks as dull as your history teacher and from the very first impression you decide to leave the website as soon as you enter.  So the page design has to be good in order to retain them.

4.      How good your page content is?

Do you terrible content? Content that makes no “sense”.  Content is a big issue. Now a days people has to be very careful with the content they have in their website. Better to write content in a informal way rather than making it complicated. The ultimate objective should be making people understand rather than showing your control over language, don’t make it difficult for the user to understand, keep it easy, and keep it simple.

5.      Does it have proper Call to action/Navigation

People land to your website, they read your content, they check everything.  But they don’t have any clue what to do after that. So if you want them to be converted the call to action has to be very clear and highlighted.

If conversion is not the objective then navigation has to be very clear, proper breadcrumb, menu, category should be there in order to navigate them to other pages.

If you want to know more about bounce rate, write to us, we will surely try to help you.

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