How To Quickly Unlike Facebook Pages and Unfriend Facebook Friends

I have 2500+ friends and more than 1000 Pages that I liked since I joined Facebook around 5 years ago, most of them I never met and Pages I no longer remember. I have no issues with it, only thing is that many times I miss important updates of my close friends in this crowd of not so important Pages and FB friends who don’t even know that I exist.

These days, Most of us easily get fed up with Facebook cause of this very reason,  as we hardly see anything we actually care about like new updates and photos of our close friends and loved one, All we see is, ice-bucket challenges, funny videos, copy pasted brainy quotes and all junk and clutter. Now days, I log in only when I have to share my new article link (like this) or new findings or special moments like birthday photos hoping that my close friends will see them as I know that they too are overwhelmed with clutter of Facebook junk.

I know that reason behind this clutter is no one but myself, cumulative result of my excessive “liking,” and sending/accepting dozens of friend requests in a day (which happens to be mostly from my MBA college and some common interest community friends). These days, I very carefully add friends or like pages, but what about the sin that I’ve already committed?

Apparently, Facebook has made very easy to add new friends or like new pages but unfriend or unlike pages is difficult specially when you have to unlike thousand of pages, it’s very boring and time taking task. And I believe Facebook has made its settings deliberately confusing and difficult so that we don’t even think of considering unliking or unfriend.

Luckily there is a simple way by which you can unlike multiple pages as quickly as possible.

  1. Visit
  2. Click on ‘Liked’ of any undesirable pages that you no longer want to follow.
  3. Click Unlike
  4. Done 🙂

How To Quickly Unlike Facebook pages


Similarly to unfriend no so important friends.

  1. Visit your profile
  2. Click friends
  3. Check which friend to unfriend (Sorry Padam, I’m not unfriending you in this incarnation)
  4. Click on friends and then click unfriend
  5. Done

How To Quickly Unlike Facebook pages

So, far this is the only way I know if you know any other way or any tool please do share.

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