If you’ve ever noticed on the author’s Avatar profiles in different blogs/websites, you must have noticed different shapes such as square (default), curved square, circle, etc. When I first started using WordPress, I didn’t like the square Avatar display and wanted to give it the round, circular look. And the only reason that I could think of back then was to edit my picture in Photoshop and use the Circle tool to actually crop a round, circle pic. While that did a neat job but there’s an insanely simple way now on how to change your Avatar shape in wordpress. Psst… Drumrolls please! Presenting to you the amazing plugin – Avatar Shaper. It is an easy-to-manage WordPress plugin that allows you to customize how to display user profile images. Choose from different shapes, all easy to set with the click of a button.
- Install The Avatar Shaper Plugin – Navigate to the Plugins section in your wordpress menu, and click on Add Plugins. Search for ‘Avatar Shaper’ and then click on ‘Install’, followed by ‘Activate’.
Avatar Shaper Settings – Navigate to Settings –> Avatar Shaper and you’ll see several shape options to choose from.
Shadows & Gloss – Play around with the different shapes and also the shadows and gloss options in the settings. I’ve found that the most simple look is when you have the shadows and gloss unchecked but that’s just a personal preference.

These three steps will help you to have that neat circular Avatar look in your blog/website. What do you think about this plugin? Check it out, it’s really neat and simple to use; no coding required.