Difference between Hangout and Hangout on air


Many people kept asking us the difference between Hangout and Hangout on air. So we thought why not write a blog about it and here it is.

Let us tell first what this hangout is because many people, we believe, do not know it too.

Well, Hangout is a product by Google+ . The concept is more or less like Skype but its more advanced.

  • 10 people at a time can do video chat here
  • The clarity of audio and video are much much better
  • You can share your screen
  • You can share google drive, slideshare and all other major or popular things right from the hangout
  • You can customize your hangout as well, say for example you can add multiple things, sounds, pictures, funny parts like a moustache in your video or crown in your video (just for fun)
  • & plenty of other options

Difference between Hangout and Hangout on air
In a word, it is an advanced audio video system than Skype.

So now coming back to the question we started with, what is hangout on air and how it is different from hangout?

  • Hangout on air is a hangout which is live streamed by Google+, by Youtube
  • If you put the snippet given by Youtube in your website, it can be live streamed from your website as well
  • This hangout on air will be saved in youtube, so you can go later and watch it
  • You can select your audience and that audience can watch this hangout from any part of the world
  • People who are subscribed to your youtube channel will also be able to watch this even if you have not selected them as audience

So basically Hangout on air is a hangout only which is live streamed and recorded by Youtube,

Hope that helps 🙂


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