How to Clean Your Mobile RAM Manually in Android Smart Phone?


android-run-fast-speed-650x0The most common problem smart phone users face is shortage of space. This article is about how do you clean your ram and make some space free so that your mobile runs without interruption.

  1. Touch the left touch panel, you will be given few options
  2. Scroll and select manage apps
  3. Go to all apps
  4. Just wait for 10 seconds
  5. Again touch the left touch panel
  6. Sort by size
  7. Now you will see apps with sizes in a descending order(higher size to lower size)
  8.  Don’t select any Google apps, select any other app like facebook, whatsapp, linkedin etc
  9. Now you have two options, you can either move them to SD card or you can clear data
  10. If you have cleared data, now close that window.
  11. Go to that particular app from your menu which data is cleared  just now.
  12. Touch that app
  13. Put your credentials
  14. Get started again
  15. Repeat the process once you face the problem again (you can continue doing it with facebook, likedin, whatsapp etc)

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