3 Easy Steps To Get Your Website’s FTP Username/Password In GoDaddy WordPress Hosting

There are several cases when you need access to your website’s FTP Username/Password to make changes at the server level. If you have hosted your website before then you should be aware of cPanel (short for control panel) that stores information like FTP credentials.

GoDaddy’s WordPress hosting goes a step further to make it easy for its users to manage their hosting. Thus, there is no cPanel.

However, what if you wanted to make some changes and needed access to the ftp directory?

Recently, I was in a situation where my WordPress site was down due to an Internal Server Error. The solution required me to edit a php file in my server’s root directory.

And I spent 30 minutes scratching the web, only to realize that GoDaddy WordPress hosting doesn’t have any cPanel. They’ve made it insanely simple for you to get your ftp username/password.

How To Get Your Website’s FTP Username/Password In GoDaddy WordPress Hosting?

1. Login to the Dashboard of your WordPress site and look for the ‘GoDaddy Settings’ on the top bar.

GoDaddy Settings in WordPress for FTP Credentials

2. After you click on ‘GoDaddy Settings’, you’ll see all your GoDaddy hosted websites in the browser window.
Click on ‘Settings’ for the website whose FTP credentials are required.

GoDaddy Settings for your wordpress hosted site

3. Switch to the SSH & SFTP’ tab and your Username/Password is right in front of you.
Psst… Toggle Password will reveal your password.

GoDaddy FTP Username Password

That’s how you access your FTP Username/Password in 3 easy steps.

I’ve had a great experience with GoDaddy. And guess what, they’re not even paying me for this free marketing. They’re really neat.

If you’ve had any issues with GoDaddy WordPress hosting then please feel free to share it with us. At RedSome, we have the aspirin for all your tech-related headaches and something more.

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