How to Disable Keyboard in Laptop in 10 Seconds?

First question you would ask is why anyone would want to disable their keyboard well If you’ve got a pet or children, then you know very well that how things may go wrong ā€“ you files can be deleted, you may lost your hours of work and many more disasters. Here is a quick tip on how you can disable your keyboard?

  • Hit Ctlr+U keys
  • Click on Make the keyboard easier to use.
  • Select Turn on keys and Turn on filter keys and then Apply.
  • Your Keyboard will get disabled.

Now, how to re-enable your keyboard?

  • Go to Control panel> Ease of Access> Ease of Access Center
  • Click on Make the keyboard easier to use.
  • Deselect Turn on keys and Turn on filter keys and then Apply.
  • Tada Your Keyboard is good to go now.

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