How To Unblock Yourself on WhatsApp If Someone Has Blocked You

In last post I mentioned about how to find if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp. Today, lets find out how to unblock yourself. It’s a simple trick that can come handy if you want to reach out to someone to clarify any sort of misunderstandings.

Following steps will unblock you, if someone has blocked you –

  • Go to WhatsApp settings
  • Click account and then click on delete my account
  • Go ahead deleting your account by entering your phone number and delete your account.
  • Afterwards, uninstall WhatsApp from your mobile.
  • Then, restart your phone.
  • Now, again install WhatsApp with same old number.
  • Once installed, you’ll get unblocked from all other accounts.
  • However, you’ll be removed from all your existing groups. So choose this method sparingly.

15 thoughts on “How To Unblock Yourself on WhatsApp If Someone Has Blocked You

  1. Eu fui bloqueado no whatsapp por uma menina de um grupo que tenho,ela me bloquiou porque nao queria que eu fosse no privado,pois eu nao ia,mas ela pensou q eu ia e me bloqueio sem eu me explicar e outra eu nao quero desinstalar meu APP,quero uma outra maneira de ser desbloqueado sem a pessoa me desbloquear, tem outro método? Eu preciso urgentemente….me ajuda com isso por favooorrr!!!!!!

  2. Probe esta explicación para desbloquear a alguien que me bloqueó. Pero sigo bloqueado. Hay otra forma o la información es falsa?

  3. Я тоже все шаги выполнила но всеровно неразюлакировался номер который меня заблокировал

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