The Ultimate Way To Organize Your Email Subscriptions

Imagine this situation – It’s 6 AM. You’ve just hit the snooze button on your smartphone for the third time. You’re still lying on the bed with your eyes wide open. And your inner voice is saying to you, “Get up and go get ready for work.” Keeping your smartphone on one hand and placing it in your line of sight, you manage to click on your email client app. 11 new emails. Scrolling down through them, you realize that 9 out of 11 are junk subscription emails. You shake your head and then head straight to the bathroom. Are you tired of all those subscription emails that add zero-value to your life? Did you know that you could get rid of all your junk email subscriptions through the click of a button? Introducing (#drumrolls) – the easiest way to manage your inbox, unsubscribe from unwanted email subscriptions, discover new ones, and organize them all in one place. Here’s how it works: 1. Sign up for free at To sign up, just go to

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their homepage and click on ‘Get Started Now’. The Ultimate Way To Organize Your Email Subscriptions-1 2. Enter your email address in the box. They currently support (including Hotmail, MSN, & Windows Live), Gmail, Google Apps, Yahoo! Mail, AOL Mail, and iCloud. The Ultimate Way To Organize Your Email Subscriptions-2 3. Hit Continue. It’ll ask for limited access to your email address using OAuth for Gmail or username/password for all of the other services. 4. It then automatically scans for all your email subscriptions over the last 3 decades. RedSome Tip: Drink a cup of soothing herbal tea while it scans your inbox. The Ultimate Way To Organize Your Email Subscriptions-3 The Ultimate Way To Organize Your Email Subscriptions-4 The Ultimate Way To Organize Your Email Subscriptions-5 5. Continue to the Next Step. Scroll down your list of subscription emails and click ‘Unsubscribe’ for the ones you do not wish to receive any emails in the future. You can also opt to ‘Rollup’ selected subscriptions which is a digest that gives you an overview of all the subscriptions you receive each day. Thus keeping your inbox clean by organizing the subscriptions you receive into a daily digestible email. The Ultimate Way To Organize Your Email Subscriptions-6 6. That’s it. You’re all set. #crowdroars Hope you enjoyed your herbal tea. If you believe someone you know could also benefit out of this, then please feel free to share it. Because at RedSome, we believe that sharing is caring.

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